Volume weighted price average (VWAP)


Suppose you're given the following table, showing open and close prices as well as trading volume for a particular equity.

Close Open Volume
2019-01-01 0.214420 1.808281 759
2019-01-02 0.338620 0.254375 1324
2019-01-03 1.051536 1.151315 1787
2019-01-04 0.911552 0.455321 2908
2019-01-05 0.997130 0.359723 713
2019-01-06 0.426184 0.987991 2330
2019-01-07 0.376917 0.307812 2592
2019-01-08 0.543065 0.136257 1265
2019-01-09 1.678835 0.836795 2674
2019-01-10 0.481132 0.790461 2508
2019-01-11 0.091329 0.910299 806
2019-01-12 0.308104 0.843959 647
2019-01-13 0.698701 0.947239 2351
2019-01-14 0.878822 1.046117 2840
2019-01-15 1.159343 0.427352 2302

In Python, write code to show the volume weighted average price (VWAP) for a rolling 2-day window. The VWAP is calculated as [(Price * Volume) / Volume].

In this case, your resultant table would start on 1/3/2019 and roll daily from there.


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