Projecting landfill volume


Suppose you are given two tables containing information around various landfills across the United States. The table columns are defined as follows:

table: landfill_weights

  • landfillID - the unique ID of the landfill
  • base_weight - the current weight (in tons) of trash at the landfill
  • number_garbage_vehicles - the number of garbage vehicles available in the fleet

table: landfill_monthly_flows

  • monthly_inflow - the monthly inflow of trash to the landfill (in tons)
  • monthly_outflow - the monthly outflow of trash to the landfill (in tons) through incineration

Using the tables below, write a SQL query to return the projected base_weight of landfills by state in 3 months. You can view/query the data in an interactive fiddle here.


landfill_id base_weight state number_garbage_vehicles
12300 95 California 1005
12401 85 California 850
00992 105 New York 1300
00882 100 New York 1000
11100 55 Michigan 580
11201 75 Michigan 700
11207 60 Michigan 500


monthly_inflow monthly_outflow landfill_id
12300 23 17
12401 17 15
00992 25 20
00882 22 18
11100 6 4
11201 12 9
11207 10 8


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