Item inventory


You are given 2 tables, the first one is named current_inventory, and contains has the current inventory per item. The second table is called location_section_capacity, and contains the warehouse capacity of a given location.

The schemas of the tables are below:


location_id The unique location code for the warehouse, int
section_id The unique section id for the warehouse, int
item_id The ID of the given item in stock, int
item_size The size of the given item, int
num_items The number of items currently in inventory, int


warehouse_state The state that the warehouse is in, varchar
location_id The unique location code for the warehouse, int
section_id The unique section code for section in the warehouse, int
location_section_capacity The capacity of the given section, int

Using these two tables, write a SQL query to highlight location sections that have < 50% of the space occupied. To get the amount of space taken up by the item you will need to multiply item_size and num_items. Also note that if a location has no items, it might not show up in current_inventory.


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