Employee salary increase with promotion


You are given the following table containing historical employee salaries for company XYZ:

Table: EmployeeSalaries

employee_ID salary promoted year
1 80000 y 2020
1 70000 n 2019
1 65000 n 2018
2 65000 n 2020
2 65000 y 2019
2 60000 n 2018
3 61000 n 2019
3 60000 y 2018
3 55000 n 2018

Given the above table, write a SQL query to return the average percent that an employee's salary increased from the prior year when they are promoted.

For example, employee_ID 1 had a promotion in 2020 and their pay increased from 70,000 in 2019 to 80,000 in 2020, or a 14.2% increase from their prior salary. You will need to do this calculation across every record where promoted = 'y' and return the average of the results.

You can view/query this table in an interactive SQL fiddle here.


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