Drop rows in dataframe that are between two dates


Given the following dataframe, df, drop all the rows where the contract_sign_date is between 2018-09-01 and 2018-10-13 (inclusive):

vendor_id name contract_sign_date total_spend
0 1 vendor_schmendor 2018-09-01 34324
1 2 parts_r_us 2018-09-03 23455
2 3 vendor_king 2018-10-11 77654
3 4 vendor_diagram 2018-08-21 23334
4 5 venny 2018-08-13 94843
5 6 vendtriloquist 2018-10-29 23444

Here is code to create the dataframe yourself, to help get you started:

import pandas as pd
raw_data = {'vendor_id': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], 'name': ['vendor_schmendor', 'parts_r_us', 'vendor_king', 'vendor_diagram', 'venny', 'vendtriloquist'], 'contract_sign_date': ['2018-09-01', '2018-09-03', '2018-10-11', '2018-08-21', '2018-08-13', '2018-10-29'],'total_spend' :[34324, 23455, 77654, 23334, 94843, 23444]}
df = pd.DataFrame(raw_data, columns = ['vendor_id', 'name', 'contract_sign_date', 'total_spend'])


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