Classifying animals in SQL


Suppose you're given the following table showing the weights of various unique animals in a zoo:

Table: animal_weights

animal_ID weight_lbs zoo_ID
9992 1040 12
99929 1090 12
12993 2190 11
9821 750 11
96673 580 11
1411 690 12
1415 695 9
1410 690 9
1117 1000 9
1677 800 9
13457 600 9
389745 200 9
324589 950 9
7854320 1200 9
87345 1700 9
83248582 765 9

Using this table, write a SQL query to split the data into quartiles based animal weight (where 1 is the heaviest, 4 is the lightest). Then, within each quartile, rank the animal weights from heaviest to lightest in descending order.

Your output should be structured like this:

animal_id weight_lbs quartile rank_in_quartile
X X 1 1
X X 1 2
X X 1 3
X X 1 4
X X 2 1
X X 2 2
etc etc etc etc

Click here to view the table in an interactive SQL editor.


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