Call conversions


You are given the following tables, containing information about phone calls that a company receives as well as the company's sales.


date order_id customer_id order_source phone_call_id order_total num_items
2019-12-20 00001 0001 online 0 50 1
2019-12-20 00002 0002 phone 4282 100 2
2019-12-20 00003 0003 affiliate 0 200 1
2019-12-20 00004 0004 online 0 100 2
2019-12-20 00005 0004 phone 4285 350 2
... ... ... ... ... ... ...


date employee_id phone_call_id order_id call_length_sec
2019-12-20 31331 4282 00002 303
2019-12-20 34611 4285 00005 202
2019-12-20 49760 4286 0 155
2019-12-20 26583 4287 0 130
2019-12-20 20267 4288 0 190
... ... ... ... ...

Using the tables above, write a SQL query to calculate the following metrics, split by week:

  • percent of sales from calls
  • percent of calls that made a purchase
  • number of calls that purchase
  • average call time for calls that purchase
  • average call time for the week

Note that you should be able to write a full SQL query for this question just given the table schemas above.


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