Attendance distribution by grade level


You are given the below tables, showing student attendance information as well as the grade level (grades 7-8) that each student is in. The columns are labeled in such a way that you should be able to interpret what each field is showing.


student_id attendance_status
57510 Present
57509 Present
57508 Tardy
57507 Absent
57506 Present
57505 Present
57504 Present
57503 Tardy
57501 Absent
57500 Present
57499 Tardy
57498 Absent
57497 Present


student_id grade_level
57510 7
57509 7
57508 8
57507 8
57506 7
57505 7
57504 8
57503 8
57501 8
57500 8
57499 7
57498 7
57497 8

Using the tables above, write a SQL query to return the % of students by grade that are either tardy or absent in your attendance log. As shown in the tables, each student id is unique and exists across both tables.

Your output should return the following columns:

grade_level percent_absent_tardy total_num_students
7 0.XX N
8 0.YY N


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