Airbnb stays by country


Suppose you work for Airbnb as an analyst. A team has come to you asking for a ranked list containing total # stays as well as total revenue, split by country. The time frame they're looking for is all stays that began in 2018. You can sort the list in descending order by revenue.

The table schemas are provided below. Using SQL, write a query to answer this question.

Table: property_location_info

Column Name Data Type Description
property_id integer ID of the property location
country string country code of the property location
city_name string name of city (note there can be multiple cities with the same name)
subregion_name string provence, state, or subregion name
address string address of property location

Table: stays_info

Column Name Data Type Description
guest_id integer ID of guest
property_id integer ID of the property location
host_id integer ID of the host managing the property
revenue integer cost of stay for guest in USD
date_start string start day of stay, format is "YYYY-mm-dd"
date_end string end day of stay, format is "YYYY-mm-dd"
stay_length integer number of days for the stay
airbnb_revenue integer revenue that Airbnb collected on stay


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